Hello! 👋 I'mJim Saari

Full Stack Web Developer

My name is Jim Saari and I’m an experienced full stack web developer living in Turku, Finland. Coding is my passion and I’m always striving to improve my craft and learn new things.

I have over eight years of experience working on exciting and innovative projects, independently and in teams, leveraging the power of modern JavaScript to build responsive and dynamic applications that clients love.

Frontend illustration


Experienced crafting responsive, accessible and snappy UIs that leverage reactive programming to build dynamic and data-driven applications for tomorrow.

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • HTML
  • CSS
Backend illustration


Designing secure, pragmatic REST and GraphQL APIs that communicate with databases and third-party integrations.

  • NodeJS
  • Elixir
  • GraphQL
  • Postgresql
DevOps illustration


Automating deployment cycles using agile CI/CD tools to build and ship dockerized applications to the cloud using Kubernetes container orchestration.

  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Git
  • Google Cloud

My Projects

Daisy e-book Reader

A web-based DAISY 3 standard compatible e-book reader written in JavaScript with text-to-speech synchronization support.

Get in touch!